Endorsement for Southfield City Council


All elections are important, but this year's Southfield City Council election is critical because four candidates will be chosen. That means the majority of the council seats will be filled on Nov. 8.

Three incumbents have filed for re-election, leaving open the possibility of a newcomer taking a council seat. The primary election results showed interesting results, with two of the incumbents, Myron Frasier and Linnie Taylor, near the bottom of tallies for the 12 candidates who ran in the primary.

The top three in the primary were, in this order, incumbent Sid Lantz, former councilwoman Sylvia Jordan and newcomer Jeremy Moss. This shows the voting public may be interested in changing the makeup of the current council. [...]

Jeremy Moss would be an important addition to the council. At age 25, he is one of the so-called millennials, the upcoming generation that will bring ideas and vitality to the city - and the council. [...]

Moss has energy and enthusiasm, and electing him to council might build interest in city government and voting among younger voters, garnering ideas not yet seen on the council to move the city forward.


